Git part 1 - installation and configuration


According to announcement I try to add more or less interesting articles regularly. Today I add post which starts git series. First post is about basics of git – installation and configuration.

Git is distributed version control system. In fact it’s system which allows making application by programists group with offline work possibility and making easier connection parts of code.

On Linux system git installing is very easy by following command

sudo apt-get install git

On Mac and Windows you can download graphic instalator here.

Now you can configure your git. If in, for example status of project, git don’t display colored text, you can change this by command

git config --global color.ui auto

Useful and make work easier thing is defined user which authorized connection with repository.

git config --global UserName
git config --global UserEmail

Make your life easier are also aliases for most popular commands.

git config --global checkout
git config --global commit
git config --global status
git config --global branch

At the beginning annoyed me that Linux don’t remember my git credentials and I have to written password all time. It is simple way to change this.

git config --global credential.helper "cache --timeout=3600"

Timeout – time in seconds.

Every of this command can be use without --global option – will be available in current directory only.

It’s all for today. I hope this information was useful for someone. Next article will be continuation of git series.

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